Graphic File Formats Notes, Liam Conley, per 2
- All com. doc., or files are packaged in dif. formats
- the format is determined often by the files origin such as a software program like photoshop. or a digital cam.
- Graphic file such as a photo, video or artwork can be reduced in file size by using compressors
Lossy v lossles
- the 2 categorys
- w/ lossy data is “lost” or reduced for smaller file sizes but cause poor image qualt. can result in compresion artifacts
- lossles retains image data
Graph. formats
- Tif, Jpeg and Gif are the 3 most com. formats for activities such as printing, scanning and displaying over the internet
- Png is a common web format is a common web format, is high quality and can contain an alpha channel
- each format has its own dis/advantages
- tagged image format
- common format for desktop pub., print, photo, and graphic des.
- is lossless file. retains image data
- can result in larger file sizes not fit for display over internet, not browser compatible
- stands for joint photographers expert group
- created for digital photography and works best for it
- is lossly
- can reuce 10:1 w/out showing compression artifacts
- the level of compression is adjustible
- graphics interchange format
- is best for flat colors such as cartoons
- reduces image size by “indexing” color from 3 channels to 1
- is adjustible by changing color bit levels from 1 to 8
- contains no DPI data for printing
Which format should I use for ____?
Best qual. Tif Png
Smallest file size JPG
Max compatibility TIF JPG
worst choice for photos GIF
worst choice for line art JPG
Know your pixels
- Tif and JPG are best for images w/ pixels that blend in color called contiguous pixels
- Gifs are best for flat images or non contiguous pixels
alias v anti-aliase: jagged v softened
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